Sunday, 13 April 2014

Lesson 2/Week4 - STDP and Fashion Channel Case

  1. How does segmentation facilitate consumer obsession?
Because segmentation is based on customer needs. And it will help to drive a customer intimacy and it will help employees to focus and adapt to each customer segment. Due to the information access thanks to internet, customers have non-linear behaviors which are harder to predict. Customer obsessed companies understand their customers so well that they can influence these non-linear behaviors.
The following graph shows an example of how to segment customers.

  1. When a firm chooses a particular segment for targeting what are its primary considerations?
The firm selects a particular segment base on attractiveness and how their products could have differentiation in this market.
The following will help to choose a particular segment:
1.   The segment must be measurable by size, purchasing power, business profile, or individual characteristics.
2.   The segment must be large enough to justify the effort of developing a specific approach to sales or marketing.
3.   The segment must be reachable in some reasonable way
4.   You must have the capacity and capability of communicating your marketing and sales messages to the segment.
  1. What is positioning?  Where does a firm's position reside. 
Positioning is defined as the marketer’s effort to identify a unique selling proposition for the product. It is the action or organizing a product to have an specific, unique and attractive position compare to its competitors. The position of a firm resides in the customer perception and how their products are identified in an specific segment.
The following definition is very clear: positioning is an effort to influence consumer perception of a brand or product relative to the perception of competing brands or products. Its objective is to occupy a clear, unique, and advantageous position in the consumer's mind.
  1. Think about a couple of companies competing in the same space with different segment focuses.  Discuss these firms and their various approaches.  Why are they different? The grocery shopping business is a super competitive market and there are a couple of companies in the same space with different segment focuses.
    The following website gives a very detailed explanation of the supermarket customers where the types are showed below

    Personally I will combine a couple of those segments per my personal perception of supermarket companies, specifically as:
    1.   Fast and Furious – time efficiency -> Gas station, small supermarkets in cities or towns. They are very different because products are easy to get, they have convenient shopping hours, parking and locations.
    2.   Smart shoppers and budget conscious – cost focus -> Walmart, their focus has been low prices with a lot discounts.
    3.   Gourmet focus and variety seekers – new and good products -> Whole foods, their focus is a nice environment, organic and locally produce products. They offer cooking classes, the supermarket environment is friendly and they advertise the good benefits their employees have.
    4.   A day out – like shopping -> Whole Foods and Target. Nice locations with food for lunch, breakfast or dinner available, seating space.
    5.   Here we go again – easy and convenient shopping -> Target and Stop and Shop. Stop and Shop has a very well advertise delivery shopping service (Peabody) and their locations are in roads with high traffic where people could stop by and do shopping. They have scanners then customers will scan and pay at the end, making the shopping experience very quick. Target is new in this market and they changed their strategy to have one place for all shopping, it is very convenient for this market specifically if they have kids.

1 comment:

  1. Great post and great visuals to aid your blog. Keep up the good work.
